Mix it with your spoon and then your hands kneading the dough until smooth. Check in with your healthcare provider before starting this, or any other, exercise program. Instructions: Add 1 cup Cornstarch to bowl. This step by step exercise program can give you some ideas of putty exercises to do to help improve hand strength and mobility. Your PT may use therapy putty to help improve your strength, and he or she may have you use therapy putty as part of your home exercise program. This leaflet explains more about therapeutic putty exercises for patients with wrist, hand or finger injuries under the care of the St Georges Hospital. Rolyan Therapy Putty for Physical Therapeutic Hand Exercises, Flexible Putty for Finger and Hand Recovery and Rehabilitation, Strength Training, Occupational Therapy, 1 x 2.3kg, Medium, Green 4.

If you are experiencing hand or finger weakness, visit your physical therapist to learn exercises you can do for your specific condition. package of each of the following putties: Yellow, Red, Green and Blue. The Personal Therapy Putty Kit contains one 2-oz. Therapy Putty is unscented and non-toxic. You can use a towel to improve hand grip, or specialized exercise tools like a Digi-Flex may be used to help strengthen your hand, fingers, or thumb. Color-coding allows easy resistance identification and 5 levels of resistance allow you great flexibility in rehabilitation solutions.
There are many different ways to improve hand and finger strength. CanDo Theraputty Plus Hand Exercise Putty for Rehabilitation, Exercises, Hand Thearpy, Occupational Therapy, Hand Strengthening, Improve Motor Skills, Stress. Putty can be squeezed, stretched, twisted or pinched. Therapy putty can also be used to help maintain hand strength during periods of immobilization in a shoulder sling after a shoulder or elbow injury or surgery. Therapy Putty comes in four distinct colours that reflect established standards in resistive exercises. Choose Options, Tan-XX Soft - 2 oz, Yellow-X.

Strengths available: super soft soft medium soft medium firm extra firm.Rolyan Therapy Putty allows a wide range of hand movements and stretches, such as pinches, twists, grip strength exercises, and stretches, which improves grip strength, flexibility, and range of motion. Strengths available: extra soft soft medium/soft medium firm Hand therapy putty is an excellent tool for recovering from hand and wrist injuries.Please note colours may vary across providers so ensure you purchase based on your therapist’s strength recommendation rather than colour. The putty maintains an even resistance when being pinched and squeezed during hand exercises. It is light and silky to the touch, making it the comfortable choice for patients with arthritis and pressure sensitivities.
This leaflet includes information on how to look after the. Sammons Preston Silk Putty is high quality hand therapy putty that doesn't stick to the skin, leave any residue, or get underneath the fingernails. This leaflet has been designed to provide a resource of several purchase options. You have been provided with exercise putty by your therapist to help improve your hand strength. The hand therapy department does not recommend any single company over another.