The heavy legs sinking deep into the mattress tired. The just one more alp and it will be over tired. The tired from the day before tired, and the day before that tired. The falling asleep on the floor and waking up at 3 a.m. The falling asleep on the sofa and waking up at 3 a.m. The stare at the rear wheel right in front of you with the deepest understanding that if you let it slip more than a foot ahead then the elastic’s going to snap and you’ll never make it home tired. The tired you can even see through the most heavily iridium shaded sunglasses tired. The is there a train station nearby tired. The immediately pushing the lever again to see if there’s maybe one more gear left in there tired. The pushing the lever to see if there’s one more gear left in there tired. The legs going round but nothing actually happening tired. The what do you mean we’re only halfway tired. The stare at your feet on the kerb of a petrol station tired.

The fall asleep sat against a church wall in the sun tired. The nodding off whilst pedalling and almost falling into a ditch tired. The falling asleep in a motorway services on the drive back from a ride tired. The stop somewhere and buy all the food you can tired. The sit down for a couple of minutes, fumble about in your rear pocket for a snack, glug the last vapours of water from your bottle, puff your cheeks and consider your life choices before heading off again tired. The knowing when your mate is starting to fade tired, as his head kinks faintly to the left and you know the last sprint is yours tired. The one eye closing slightly nearly there tired. There’s the general last few miles home tired. We’ve all got tired by riding our bikes a bit too far, or a little too fast, or an idiot mixture of both and in an eskimos describing snow way cyclists can be a thousand types of tired.